
I'm about a third of the way through "Surely You're Joking Mr Feynman" ... very interesting stuff. At first I wasn't so sure, because he tries to tell stories about his childhood, but he had a very geeky childhood, and they weren't too exciting.

It's so amazing to think about the "great men" of the 1930s (in physics I mean) ... he talks about being a graduate student and giving a seminar that Einstein happened to show up at. Along with 5 or 10 other really famous guys. And they all listened to him talk and then asked questions and were very honest and all. Amazing stuff.

"Now" (as in, where I'm at in the book) he's talking about working on the Manhattan project. Crazy things to think about...

Posted: Sun - January 11, 2004 at 02:34 AM          
